Monday, March 3, 2008

Why no Presidential Candidate has it right

Obama, Clinton or McCain? It does not matter. All three of them would fail.
I have a good idea. If Obama or McCain ran on this platform then the country would be fine.
The platform is: Pancakes and Babies for America.

Here is what should be done:
1. All women leave their jobs and become housewives. All they do all day is make pancakes and babies. It is very simple. While they do this the men make money for the family.
2. Women will make delicious pancakes all day. Do you know how many pancakes could be made in one day? A lot. America's diet would only consist of the pancakes that are made. We would send all the remaining food to Africa to feed people. We would also send extra pancakes to Africa.
3. Babies are important for obvious reasons. If every woman has a baby every 9 months from the time she is like 13 to 50 she would have a lot of babies. Why so many babies you ask? I will answer this later.

Now you may be saying, "yo David, this is crazy and sexist and against human rights". Really? Is it? Well in my opinion men's human rights is to make the money and women's is to make pancakes and babies so there is no violations. It is actually you who is committing the human rights violation by trying to interfere with this fantastic system.

Now why do we need so many babies? The girls will obviously grow up to be women who make what? Yes, babies and pancakes. And by the way, the girls would not go to school, they would learn the skills of life until they are of age to make babies and pancakes.

Now the boys. The good looking and smart ones will work to make the country strong. The ugly and stupid ones will be Gladiators. The NGL (National Gladiators League) will be founded. Teams will be all over the country. You can stage it in football arenas. The Gladiator battles would model those that took place in Ancient Rome. All the men who worked all day would attend and display their manliness by rooting for their team. They would also get rid of any problems they had by watching this and in effect crime would go way down. The NGL would thrive. We would give money to African countries in exchange for animals like lions and throw them in the arena.

I know what you are thinking. What would I do with the women who can't reproduce or can't make pancakes? If you can't reproduce then you would just make pancakes your whole life duh. If you can't make pancakes you would just reproduce your whole life duh!! But what if you can't do either? Well then you are probably a man.

Think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like pancakes.