Monday, March 3, 2008

Random Article adventures

This is what I came across when clicking random article. I skipped things that were way too long or stupid.

Quentin Roosevelt (1897-1918): Son of President Teddy R. Joined US Army Air Corps in World War 1. Died in aerial combat over France. Was engaged to Flora Payne Whitney who was the great-granddaughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt (insanely rich). The fourth child of Teddy R was named after Quentin and he was Quentin Roosevelt II. He died in a plane crash in World War 2.
To sum it up, don't join the army if your name is Quentin Roosevelt.
Dave Johnson (announcer): American sportscaster, specializing in horse racing. Apparently coined the prase "And down the stretch they come!" Called the Kentucky Derby from 1978 to 1980 and 1987 to 2000.
438: Yazdegerd II becomes King of Persia. Who Knew! Apparently he was very religious and persecuted people of other faiths. Shocker.
South Australian Register: First newspaper in Southern Australia. First published in 1836 (in London) and dissolved like a 100 years later. It documented shipping schedules, legal history and court records at a time when official records were not kept.
J. Thomas Looney (1870-1944): Started the theory that Shakespeare was not a real dude. Sigmund Freud read his stuff and liked it, not bad.
Brent Forrester: Emmy award winning TV writer. Written for shows like The Simpsons and The Office.
1996 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season: Poorly written article. Only an intro, no sections. But anyway, they went 6-10 under Tony Dungy. Warren Sapp helped the team win 5 of their last 7 games.
Lama (band): Pop/rock band in Ukraine. Won Best Ukrainian act award of MTV Europe Music Awards. How hard could that be?

1 comment:

Pete said...

not a bad blog, I have one myself...