Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hannah Montana Now #1 Leading Cause in People Not Wearing Seatbelts

So I was speaking to a friend of mine and today is his birthday. He asked me to help him spam Miley Cyrus' fan wall by asking her to marry him. I asked who the hell is Miley Cyrus and apparently it is Hannah Montana. Usually in this situation I would say "o rly?" but whatever, I did it. After doing so I went to her Wikipedia page and looked around and I found this link:,2933,330634,00.html

That article is great. While shooting their new "hit" movie Miley and her father Billy Ray Cyrus got in a car and forgot to buckle their seat belt. Someone noticed and they apologized. Apparently 65 percent of the 13-to-15-year-olds killed in auto accidents in 2006 were not wearing seat belts and Miley is 15. A bunch of suburban mothers wrote in....yea you get it, I don't feel like typing this retarded story anymore.

Ok, where to start the criticism. First of all, hit movie? Hit movies are seen by more people than 10 year old girls and 45 year old men who record the movie and go home and whack off to Miley. If your child does not wear a seat belt because Hannah Montana doesn't then you might as well give up and send them to boarding school. They are obviously legally retarded.

How do they know 65 percent of 13-15 year olds killing in auto accidents in 2006 were not wearing seat belts? When they find a kid splattered on the street after an accident, what evidence is left behind that a seat belt was not worn? Ok maybe if the parent lives they would know but come on, they wouldn't remember.

Sheltered suburban families are annoying.

*bangs head against wall*