Monday, March 3, 2008

The never ending list begins here

Things that are annoying:

*Books on how to raise children.
*Wealthy actors making commercials telling me to donate money and/or food to people who are really poor. They list several excuses people say.
*When I am bored in class and I start to play with a dime and get it stuck in my nose and then have to get it out without people noticing I have a dime stuck in my nose.
*When I bookmark a website and put in my toolbar and it doesn't have an icon.
*Emails I get about male enhancement that are in German or another European language.
*When I purchase a strawberry shortcake ice cream bar and one side is mysteriously missing the coating of crumbs that are supposed to be all over it.
*Obnoxiously extravagant weddings.
*Youtube videos of 12 year old girls saying "penis".
*Weird tingling in my ankle.
*Random cuts/scratches on my leg.
*MLS off-season.
*When water and soap get in the small part of my glasses between the rubber ends and the metal so it like sits there and then smells like death. Then I have to wash it so it doesn't smell rancid.
*When I wake up in the middle of the night and my sheets are untucked. Then I try to get back to sleep and I can't because the sheets are everywhere and I have to remake the entire bed at 3 AM.
*Fat people taking up 2 seats on the subway.
*When I am sitting in the front seat of my car and my phone, wallet, etc. falls out of my pocket under the seat. It is impossible to get.
*When I am eating a seemingly delicious apple that has a huge hidden disgusting brown spot.
*When a piece of popcorn falls on my rug and I step on it. Little pieces go everywhere so I need to get a vacuum.
*No rugby on ESPN.
*When I order Sprite in a restaurant and the flavor dies since it has been sitting there for like 10 years so it tastes like seltzer.
*Rangers trading U. of Michigan product Al Montoya.
*When I turn my monitor off at night but I accidentally double click it so it stays on.
*When I start a new Word document but I accidentally made writing start at the absolute top of the page so I have to open a new document, save it as something else, erase the content, and use that as a new document. When I erase the document but accidentally click save instead of save as and then the old document is gone.
*Dominoes Pizza emailing me every day with new offers since I ordered online once. I don't want pizza every fucking day, go away.
*Lack of smiley's on MetroFanatic. Other sites have more.
*Dr. Pepper.

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